SF Street Photography Workshop April 2018


SF Street Photography Workshop April 2018


From the colorful shops in Chinatown to the haunting ruins at Fort Point, the SF Street Shooting Workshop puts you on the ground in one of the most interesting urban centers in the U.S.

Our headquarters is based in the Union Square area of the city. All you have to do is walk out the front door to capture great shots. But we’ll push even farther to locations that are sure to fill up your memory cards. 

We begin Thursday morning, April 26, 2018 in our private conference room at the historic Cartwright Hotel in San Francisco. Your leaders are Derrick Story and Mike Boening, and together they will provide a mix of classroom instruction and hands-on shooting in the streets of San Francisco.

If you have any workshop-related questions, please drop me a note at thenimblephotographer@gmail.com. I’ll get back to you right away. Reservations are held on a first come, first served basis.

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Preliminary Itinerary

Wednesday, April 25
5:30 pm Welcome Reception at the Cartwright Hotel

Thursday, April 26
8:15 am - Doors open in the conference room
8:30 am - Welcome and introductions
9:00 am - Street Shooting Etiquette - Derrick and Mike
9:30 am - Break with gear preparation
10:00 am - Depart for Shoot #1
11:30 am - Lunch on Your Own
12:30 pm - Depart for Shoot #2
2:30 pm - Return to the Cartwright
3:00 pm - Afternoon Break at the hotel
4:00 pm - Lab Session with consultation - Q&A
5:30 pm - Day 1 Concludes

Friday, April 27
8:15 am - Doors open in the conference room
8:30 am - Class begins
9:00 am - Break with gear preparation
9:30 am - Depart for Shoot #3
11:30 am - Group Lunch
1:00 pm - Depart for Shoot #4
3:00 pm - Return to the Cartwright
3:30 pm - Afternoon Break
4:00 pm - Lab Session with consultation
5:30 pm - Break for dinner
7:30 pm - Optional Twilight shoot

Saturday, April 28
9:15 am - Doors open in the conference room
9:30 am - The Nimble Photographer Session - Derrick Story
10:00 am - Chinatown Street Shoot
11:30 am - Group Lunch in Chinatown (Part of Workshop)
1:00 pm - Depart for Cartwright Hotel
1:30 pm - Lab Session with Post Production Tips
3:30 pm - Class Presentation of 8 Images Each
5:00 pm - Workshop Concludes

The TDS Street Shooting Workshop: Basic Information

The Workshop Includes:
- Park fees, fares, guided tours
- Classroom instruction, critique, Q&A
- Small group limited to 8 participants with 2 instructors
- Two Lunches and morning refreshments
- Classroom facility at the Cartwright Hotel
- Swag and giveaways

Contact Me — Phone: 707-477-4627 — email: thenimblephotographer@gmail.com.

Workshop Fees: $695 for everything listed in item above.

Accommodation Options

We have special room rates at the Cartwright Hotel. More details after registration is completed. You also have the option to stay at a hotel of your choice in San Francisco.

Hotel Registration Information

I will send you a separate reservation form, with room options, once your seat has been secured.


Once your workshop fees have been verified, you will receive a confirmation letter. You can check on your confirmation status at any time by writing to: thenimblephotographer@gmail.com

Cancellation Policy

Here’s the schedule of cancellation dates and their corresponding refunds.

Feb. 6 - Feb. 28, 2018 — A written cancellation request received within this period will provide you with a $400 refund if you had paid the full $695 workshop fee.

March 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 — A written cancellation request received within this period will provide you with a $200 refund if you had paid the full $695 workshop fee.

April 1 to April 25, 2018— A written cancellation request received within this period will provide you with a $100 refund if you had paid the full $695 workshop fee.

Workshop fees are not transferrable. Refunds are paid by check mailed to the postal address of recipient as listed on this registration form. Refunds will be sent within 30 days of request receipt.

Thank You!
I’m looking forward to seeing you in April 2018!