Goals are Great, but...

The beginning of a new year is a natural marker for setting goals. I do that myself. For example, I commit to coming up with one new product or service each year.

But before I get to "what I should do," I want to take a moment to review what has been accomplished. As a community, I don't think we do that enough.

I'm not talking about, "I worked hard this year and deserve a new car." Personally, I can't stand it when people say they deserve anything. Life, as I see it, seems to be a combination of challenge, hard work, and occasionally, good fortune. 

I've earned a few things and have been blessed with others. I not sure I deserved any of it. But I certainly am thankful.

And professionally speaking, much of what I have to be thankful for in 2013 involves my friends online. To put a finer point on it: you.

The support I've received  for The Digital Story, The Nimble Photographer, Photo Help Desk, lynda.com, Macworld Magazine, and a season of photography workshops... well... I feel very lucky.

I'm going to apply those positive feelings to the challenges waiting for me in 2014. And that's why I think we should take a moment to reflect upon our accomplishments. Doing so helps us have the confidence and the energy to push forward.

Thank you for a productive 2013. It was quite a ride. And I'm going to work hard to keep you by my side as we move forward. Let's see what we can do next.
