Shiny Objects

Samsung just announced a new Galaxy Note. And in just a few days, we'll know everything there is to know about the latest iPhone.

Despite all the new features highlighted, we seem too easily satisfied. Let's stop for a moment and look at the stuff we're not getting.

Alternative ways of charging - These things don't use that much energy individually. But collectively, they are a substantial drain on the grid. I'd like to see solar panels (or other means of smart energy) designed for our homes by the big companies with influence, that we will use to charge smartphones, tablets, LED lights, and low-demand devices. Less fuel consumed, less pollution produced, better for the planet.

Personal storage - It's hard to believe that in 2014, storage is still a hassle. And despite my best efforts, I still have data and pictures at risk. If we are indeed the data age, then we need persistent, robust storage solutions that work for everyone.

Security - I'm tired of the possibility that my business, and the economy as a whole, can be easily corrupted.  If you're going to come out with a cool new service, then you darn well better be able to secure it. If not, then keep working.

Waste - At some point, the landfills will have more precious minerals then our mines. If you're going to sell a million new devices, then there has to be a plan for the million that's going to be replaced. And I don't think that plan should be toss 'em in the trash.

As a whole, I feel like we're easily distracted by shiny new objects.  And as much as I like  toys, we need to be responsible about how we use energy, dispose of waste, and protect individual rights.

The new Galaxy Note and the latest iPhone seem to fall short in these areas.

At this stage of the game,

we should be further along. 
