Photographer Trey Ratcliff - "Mix It Up"

The Nimble Photographer - Trey Ratcliff
Derrick Story

Trey Ratcliff is best known for his vibrant landscapes. But he’s also a student of human nature. His photography business is fueled by combining compelling landscapes, with daring post production, and adding a dash of insightful marketing.

On today’s show, Trey shares some of thinking behind this approach. The lessons that he’s learned may help your creative endeavors as well.

Welcome to the Nimble Photographer podcast, hosted by me, Derrick Story. My quest is to find artists who have created their own definition of success. Yes, finances play a role in all of our lives, but are they the only measure? And how can you put a price on the experiences along the way?

Today, we travel to New Zealand via Skype to hear what Trey has to say. Thanks for coming along.


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